Volunteer - ARPF Trail Maintenance

  • Sport: Volunteer
  • Format: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Locations: American River Parkway
  • Days of the week: Tuesday
  • Starts on : Starts on Tuesday, February 11
  • Dates: 2.11
  • Times: 9:00 AM

Signup Deadline: Thursday, February 6

Join other Xoso players in volunteering for a Parkway Clean-Up in Sacramento. This event is hosted by "America River Parkway Foundation" (ARPF).

Join us for Trail Maintenance in the Parkway! We'll be trimming low hanging limbs, removing fallen branches, weed whacking tall grass, and raking the equestrian/hiking trail. Please arrive by 8:50am to sign in and receive a safety briefing. Volunteers will head out to clean by 9:10am. All ages welcome.

Where to meet: At the Estates Dr River Access. Look for the ARPF Truck.
Estates Dr River Access
300-398 Estates Dr

ARPF provides trash bags, gloves, water, and a light snack. 
What to wear: sturdy/comfortable closed-toe shoes, hat, long pants, long-sleeves, gloves, sunscreen, & bug spray.

What to bring: Water! Take breaks & learn the signs of heat exhaustion.

    • Age: 18 and Up